
Brunch Hostesses Wanted

Please consider volunteering to host a Sunday brunch after the 11 a.m. Mass. Hostesses provide food, serve, and help with clean up. Contact Marcella Guilez to volunteer, (719) 216-4142.

Mass Intentions

Our parish priests cannot accept Mass intentions at this time.

Church’s Teaching on Dances

What does the Church teach regarding the morality of dances? In 1842 the Church published this book, The Church’s Position on Dancing, available at Amazon: This book pre-dates the statements given by the Vatican in the last century on the topic of dances.

We add the following Vatican statement on this topic, published in 1916 in the official acts of the Holy See; the Acta, online, pp 147- 149: ocr.pdf. And the 1917 response to the U.S. Bishops who asked for a clarification; from the Acta of the Vatican, pg. 17:

Gathering After Mass

In consideration for those who wish to pray after Mass, please refrain from talking in the foyer. Move to the parish hall or outdoors. Thank you!

Immaculate Conception parish Housekeeping crew needs additional volunteers. To join, contact Mrs. Villalobos, (719) 651-8135.

Choir Seeking New Talent

Our parish choir is accepting new members. All adult voices welcome! Please contact Miss Kelsey Villalobos at (719) 651-9800 for more information and rehearsal times.

Volunteers Needed

Volunteers needed to clean the church. To join our merry band of housekeepers call (719) 651-8135.

Hostess Crew Volunteers

We need volunteers to serve as hostesses for the 10:30 a.m. post-Mass brunch. If you could please help out, please contact Mrs. Jill Demian at 719-579-9439.

Seeking Additional Organists

We need more organists to help with the music. People willing to help, who can play the organ or who are decent pianists, please contact the parish office or Ms. Kelsey Villalobos.

IMPORTANT SAFEGUARD TO PURITY - Family on-line protection

The following filters are very useful against the impurity that is invading today ' s mass means of communication: These filters can be found on the following web-sites:,, and

St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish Library - Fran Rutherford, Librarian

Our parish library is now open between both Masses on each Sunday. The St. Catherine of Alexandria library has multiple copies of Father Peyton ' s Rosary Prayer Book and other books on the rosary available for checkout during the month of October which is the month of the Holy Rosary. Fr. Peyton founded the Family Rosary Crusade after World War II, and his book has been a favorite of countless thousands for inspiration in praying the family rosary. Free copies of St. Louis de Montfort ' s Secret of the Rosary are also available just for stopping in. Come by and take advantage of what your parish library has to offer.

Lost and Found Items

Parishioners please check the Lost & Found box at the entry of the church for any possible lost items that might belong to you. The box is starting to fill up!

Confraternity Newsletter

Copies of Cum Petro, the newsletter of the Confraternity of St. Peter are available in the vestibule.

Confraternity of St. Peter

The Confraternity is a society which gathers those who feel close to the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter and who wish to support its charism through prayers and sacrifices. Thus the Confraternity contributes to the Service of the Church through supporting numerous vocations, the sanctification of priests and their pastoral endeavors. More information and enrollment forms are available in the vestibule or online.

Parish Clothing Exchange

Anita McCowen is coordinating the parish clothing exchange. Due to limited space, please leave only clothing and no other items. Clean, gently used clothing may be placed in one of the boxes under the table at the entrance of the church. Clothes may be chosen after Mass in the basement in the second room on the right.